
ETF Investing: Accumulating VS Distributing

In my beginner’s guide to ETFs, I mentioned that there were 2 types of ETFs – Accumulating and Distributing – which differ in terms of how they deal with dividends.

However, I didn’t talk about what these differences mean Read more

Debit Cards Investing Savings Accounts

The 2 Best Savings Accounts For Students & Young Adults

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With all the savings accounts that are available to choose from, it can be hard to decide which ones you should use.

Today, I’m going to solve this problem by telling you which, in my opinion, are the Read more

Lifestyle Personal Finance Spending

The True Cost Of Everything

Before buying anything, cost is probably one of the many factors that you’ll take into consideration before making a decision.

This is because, for most of us, money is a finite and precious resource, so we want to make sure Read more


4 Misconceptions About DIY Investing

Robo-advisors have become more and more popular as an investment approach, resulting in fewer people choosing to be do-it-yourself (DIY) investors.

In my opinion, this is due to 2 reasons.

The benefits of Robo-advisors and the misconceptions that people have Read more

Lifestyle Spending

3 Tips To Save Money At UNIQLO

UNIQLO is my all-time favourite clothing store – and I’m sure the same can be said for many others.

When compared against other fashion retailers in a similar price range, there’s pretty much no competition when it comes to quality Read more

Lifestyle Spending The Frugal Handbook

The Frugal Handbook #8: One More Week

Have you ever bought something and realised, after a few days/weeks, that you don’t like what you bought nearly as much as when you actually bought it?

I know I have, and this is a classic example of impulse shopping.Read more

Credit Cards Debit Cards Lifestyle Mobile Wallets Spending The Frugal Handbook

The Frugal Handbook #7: Cash-Less For More Cash

Many people don’t think twice when it comes to making payments.

They simply use whichever method they feel like – card, QR, or cash.

After all, it’s the same amount of money being paid anyway… Right?

The straightforward answer to Read more

Lifestyle The Frugal Handbook

The Frugal Handbook #6: Money Walks

When you need to book a cab, you’ll probably open the app, enter your pick-up and drop-off locations, check the fare price, and look for a ride.

This is a perfectly logical sequence of actions if you’re simply looking to Read more

Insurance Savings Accounts The Frugal Handbook

The Frugal Handbook #5: Zero Or Nothing

You’ve probably had a kids savings account at some point in your life. 

Then, you probably (hopefully) realised that there are better savings accounts that you could be using like the Jumpstart account, made the switch, and went on about Read more


What To Do Before, During, And After A Market Crash

People who understand how the market works know that a market crash is normal and to be expected.

But when the market actually does crash, they don’t necessarily act in ways that suggest that they have been expecting it to Read more