Miscellaneous Personal Finance

How To Get Your HFE Letter Reassessed

If you’ve been considering buying an HDB flat, you’re probably familiar with the HDB Flat Eligibility (HFE) letter.

While the HFE letter helps to streamline the HDB-buying process, the rigidity that it comes with can pose a serious challenge for … Read more


Reviewing My Personal Finances For 2023, Plans For 2024

Yet another year has come to an end, and for what it’s worth, it’s been fairly eventful in terms of my personal finances.

I wanted to take some time to review my personal finances for 2023 and also share what … Read more

Lifestyle Miscellaneous

SkillsFuture Credits: How To Upskill Yourself For Free

Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post.

Do you want to progress in your career, but first need to improve your skills further?

Are you considering a career switch, but don’t yet have the relevant skills required?

Or do you … Read more

Miscellaneous The Frugal Handbook

TFH #35: Earn Free Money With Shopee Pets

Last time, I wrote a post about Shopee Games where you can earn diamonds for playing games, which can then be used to redeem vouchers to offset your spending.

However, this is pretty inefficient in the sense that it can … Read more

Miscellaneous Spending The Frugal Handbook

TFH #34: Happy Money

Do you set aside a portion of your salary or budget on things that make you happy?

As we try to become more financially responsible, we often end up looking for ways to reduce our expenses.

While cutting out things … Read more

Miscellaneous The Frugal Handbook

TFH #30: Frugal With Time

There’s no doubt that time is a precious resource.

But when I was younger, I couldn’t quite appreciate the value of time – it’s only in recent years that I started experiencing for myself just how valuable time is.

As … Read more

Miscellaneous The Frugal Handbook

3 Ways You Can Leave Every Mahjong Game Richer

Mahjong is a popular hobby among many Singaporeans including me, probably especially so during Chinese New Year.

While we can’t win every game of mahjong, it’s definitely possible to leave every game richer than we were before.

1: Richer In

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Miscellaneous Personal Finance

5 Ways To Use Your Angbao Money Wisely

Chinese New Year is here once again, so it’s time to collect angbaos for some bonus income.

Instead of splurging all of it in ways that you might end up regretting down the road, why not put this money to … Read more


2022 Reflection And Plans For 2023

As 2022 comes to a close, I want to take some time to reflect on how this past year has been for me and also share what my plans are for the year ahead.

2022 Was Tough

The past year … Read more

Miscellaneous Personal Finance

The New Seedly Rewards Guide – Everything You Need To Know

Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post.

Seedly recently revamped its rewards system.

In the past, you were only able to redeem rewards like personal finance guides or discount vouchers for very specific merchants which most of us probably wouldn’t … Read more