Lifestyle The Frugal Handbook

The Frugal Handbook #4: Affordable Dining

Everyone knows that if you want to save money, you should reduce eating out and have more meals at home instead.

The idea is that eating out tends to be pricey, and that’s usually true.

However, it is possible to Read more

Lifestyle The Frugal Handbook

The Frugal Handbook #3: Picking Up Money

Ever since circuit breaker last year, almost everyone has used a food delivery service at least once.

They’re super convenient and allow you to enjoy your meal/dessert/drink in the comfort of your own home without having to leave your house.Read more

Lifestyle The Frugal Handbook

The Frugal Handbook #2: McFreebies

Many people already know this, but there are still many who don’t.

Occasionally, McDonald’s has events on its mobile app where you can get free deals once daily throughout the duration of the event.

The current event is called “Wheel Read more

Lifestyle The Frugal Handbook

The Frugal Handbook #1: Grab Or Cab?

Welcome to the first post of The Frugal Handbook! 

This is a series where I aim to post as often as possible about all things personal finance.

This may range from money-saving life hacks to PSAs about ongoing deals/promotions to Read more

Credit Cards Personal Finance

Credit Score Guide: How I Got An AA Rating As A Student

In a previous post, I talked about whether credit score matters.

Spoiler: it does. At least, in my opinion.

Credit score can appear to be something elusive that is hard to understand because how exactly it is calculated Read more


Don’t Miss The Best Days: Why Timing The Market Really DOESN’T Work

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By now, you’ve probably read many times that time in the market is more important than timing the market.

However, no matter how many times people hear this, some people will still try to time the market anyway Read more

Debit Cards Savings Accounts

Should You Close Your Jumpstart Account?

Not too long ago, the Standard Chartered Jumpstart (SCJ) account was the best fuss-free, no-frills, high-interest savings account for students and young adults available on the market.

In its prime, the SCJ account offered an interest rate of 2% p.a. Read more


A Beginner’s Guide To ETFs: What You Need To Know

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If you’ve read up about investments, chances are you would’ve heard of ETFs and noticed that many people/websites recommend investing in ETFs for beginners.

But if you’re a newbie investor, you probably have many questions surrounding ETFs like Read more

Credit Cards Personal Finance

Does Credit Score Matter?

In my previous posts about credit cards, I’ve mentioned that building up a good credit score is one of the benefits of using credit cards.

I also briefly went through various things that are affected by your credit score, but Read more

Insurance Savings Accounts

Singlife Interest Rate Cut 2021: Is It Still Worth It?

Singlife Logo

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In 2020, Singlife offered the highest interest rate of 2.5% p.a. for a no-frills insurance savings plan.

This was amazing because every high-interest savings account offered by banks were cutting interest rates every other month, but Singlife maintained Read more