Personal Finance Savings Accounts

A Guide To Emergency Funds: Why You Need It, How To Build One, And Where To Keep It

An emergency fund is one of the most important pillars of personal finance.

It should be something that everyone squares away even before thinking about investing.

When I realised I didn’t have any posts about emergency funds on my blog, Read more

Brokers Investing

Interactive Brokers Guide: How To Fund Account With Foreign Currency & More

In my previous post, I talked about a few reasons why I think Interactive Brokers (IBKR) is the best broker in Singapore.

These reasons include super low commissions, spot FX rates, fractional shares support, free FX transfers, and more. Read more

Personal Finance Savings Accounts

DBS Multiplier: An Easy Way To Earn Higher Interest

Once upon a time, the DBS Multiplier account used to offer very attractive interest rates.

But in today’s low-interest environment, these rates have been thoroughly slashed.

However, compared to other savings accounts, I feel that the Multiplier account is still Read more

Debit Cards Investing Savings Accounts

The 2 Best Savings Accounts For Students & Young Adults

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With all the savings accounts that are available to choose from, it can be hard to decide which ones you should use.

Today, I’m going to solve this problem by telling you which, in my opinion, are the Read more